ATEA (American Tamil Entrepreneurs Association), a 501c3 non-profit organization established in May, 2016.

ATEA: American Tamil Entrepreneurs Association ( is a non-profit, non-political, non-partisan organization focussed on promoting and nurturing entrepreneurship among youth, women and emerging business professionals of Tamil origin living in North America.

ATEA is head-quartered in San Francisco area with regional presence across the US.

Here are the high level charter objectives:

  • To encourage and nurture youth and young adults of US Tamil origin to become entrepreneurs and teach them to take calculated risks early in life.
  • To encourage and empower women of US Tamil origin to raise their levels in their professional carrier.
  • To encourage emerging entrepreneurs of US Tamil origin to raise capital from the start and empower them with right tools and processes in their journey to be a successful entrepreneur
  • To connect youth, women and emerging entrepreneurs of Tamil origin in the US with India and global tamil entrepreneurs from other parts of the world for better business collaborations.